Thank you for joining me again live (sort of) from Miami Beach. You are here because you need help implementing a fundamentally sound search engine optimization and marketing strategy for your e-business. There is no shame in knowing what you dont know and acting upon it. Not doing so would be the tragedy. For small business owners promoting their site is probably the most overwhelming task in terms of time alone. It is valuable real estate and you need to get your moneys worth out of it. From keyword research and a content management system, to SEO copywriting and one way links, the information is abundant and voluminous. There is no end to the world of marketing and advertising your website but even the longest journey begins with that first step.
Choosing your Domain Name seems like an appropriate place to take that first step. Let us start with a common question. “What do I do if the keywords for my particular industry are not available?” This small issue should be viewed as just that. Here is a simple task you can all do that requires no SEO experience. I checked the results for “turkey fryer” and not a single of the first 5 results was for a site with those keywords in the domain name. Dont believe me? Try it. While you are doing that ask yourself how many products does Amazon sell that were found on the search engine results page because the user typed in “Amazon” and whatever search term? I dont know either, but I know that name didnt help them sell SEO specific keywords in the beginning. If I am wrong and they do sell Amazons there, I sincerely apologize to you and Wonder Woman. The point is you dont need keywords in your domain name to achieve a high page rank, but it certainly is ideal.
Promotion and marketing a website is about establishing valuable e-commerce real estate in order to achieve your individual goals. You need to make sure all of your optimization is focused around a theme. Whatever keywords, niche keywords, sub keywords that you have targeted need to be reiterated as often as makes logical sense. Please do not just keep repeating the same phrase a million times in order to achieve immediate results. Remember the people who work at Google and produce that algorithm are not idiots. Unlike me who likes to enjoy the ambiance and sunshine of Miami Beach from time to time, these people are focused on the user and their experience. Tracking search terms and queries, and looking for abnormalities is their idea of a good time. So only use “white hat” search engine optimization techniques. If you get caught using “black hat” SEO, you can have your site removed from the Google index. Check out what happened with JC Penney recently when they got caught using dishonest techniques and Google punished them severely. Google is a landlord you do not want to cross.
I like the real estate analogy, so I will continue with it despite what the market would probably decide. The Title and Description aspect is also highly valuable real estate that offers your first opportunity to drive traffic and convert the sale. No pressure right? You want to entice, induce, inspire the user to click on your URL. That is the whole reason you are there to be found, however If you are not careful you may be wasting this space. I know you are really proud of it, and it is probably super clever, but your company name is not vitally important here. I would probably go with something that is far more specific to what the user was searching for. If you were about to hit that first click, would you go with the one with the name, or the one with that specific term you typed into the search engine? Asking yourself what would you rather experience, in terms of interacting with a site, and projecting that into your SEO strategies should become second nature.
Internet neighborhoods with the most character are similar to ones in real life. Each house should have its own personality. When you focus your SEO energies on the page titles and descriptions make sure they have character as well. Remember content is what the internet is about. You want to diversify your ability to get clicks, increase traffic and improve your page rank as much as possible. You give yourself a better chance of increasing organic traffic if you use as many quality keyword options as possible. Each of your pages is unique and should be optimized as such. Remember, it is not what the user types into the search engine; it is what the search engine deems the most popular response to the query. There is a difference so always keep in mind how the Google algorithm works.
You can find more free SEO tips at
Thank you for joining us again here in Miami Beach. I will see you next time as we continue to strengthen your SEO knowledge.
Best Regards.