
Sunday, January 1, 2012


And my recommendation to solve this problem is the usage of the common sense. To start internet business by using the common sense is recommended, because the basic choices are not a rocket science. And if a newbie does not know how to start internet business, what he or she should do? To ask from those, who know, of course. Follow the KISS method!
1. What Benefits An Affiliate Program Should Give To A Newbie?

The most important thing would be to guide a newbie through the rough waters of the start. That means, that the training and guiding system must work so well, that a newbie is able to select the right things to himself. That will require personal help and a lot of discussion with other newbies and experienced marketers. Most obviously a merchant should be able to offer a lively and helpful forum
One problem, which you will meet is the huge number of hype offers, which are targeted to the newbies. They promise riches overnight without any experience, i.e. know how. Please, stay away from these. But the good news are, that if the majority of the forum members give positive statements about certain programs, they must be reliable ones.
2. How You Locate A Long Term and Legitimate Affiliate Program?
As said the forums are good places to build a list of the good candidates. Starting internet business requires, that a newbie will do his or her homework and honestly will research the candidate programs. That work will pay you back many times later. Because you have to trust on what the older forum members say, you can concentrate to research, whether you like the program and think, that it could fit to you. Reserve enough time for this action.
3. You Will Need Both Personal And Theoretical Assistance.
The training sections of each candidate program is the focus of your research. You can quickly surf through the material to see, whether the style and the used mediums can convince you, that it would be fun to learn the new things.
4. You Have To Understand, What They Teach You.
It is very important, that the language, the copy, is written so, that there is not the difficult marketing or business terms, which you do not understand. The copy style must be a street mans style, where the content is the key, not the fine terms. Another important thing is, that the written instructions will make you enthusiastic and excited, because then you honestly want to learn.
5. Does Everything Fit To You?
You can trust on your feelings. If the older members have said, that the program works, so the question is, would you personally like to run it. That is a general question, but still an important one. Surf through the whole material and ask yourself, do I honestly want to run a program like this and if yes, why.
Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. A proven way to start internet business is starting internet business as an affiliate of a long term program.