Affiliate network marketing is one of the fastest and most efficient ways to make money online. The principle of affiliate network marketing, often abbreviated as affiliate marketing, is that you promote offers in exchange for a fixed rate of money.
Affiliate marketing is sometimes referred to as CPA or cost-per-action marketing. It is halfway through PPC advertising, where you are paid to generate clicks on your ads for a variant rate of remuneration, and product promotion where you are paid a commission for each sales you make. The commission is generally expressed in percentage of the price of the final product.
Affiliate network marketing is sometimes considered to include product promotion, where you are demanded to generate sales to get remunerated.
In this article we will consider only the action related marketing, which is the most common definition of affiliate marketing.
What is an action you may ask? An action is anything more than a click, and less than a sale. It can be a registration, an e-mail submit, a zip code submit a survey. Some would also include pin confirmations in this category, as they aren't exactly a sale.
With affiliate marketing you are remunerated each time an action is completed by a user. Take for example an offer that remunerates you each time a user registers on the website of a certain advertiser.
The affiliate network offers you a text link, generally accompanied by several graphical elements like banners and other visual promotion methods.
You can either place those banners on your website and hope someone will click on them, or write a review of the offer itself and encourage people to take action.
Unlike PPC Advertising, you will not get paid according to how many times visitors click on your elements, but according to how many times these visitors take action (in our example it was a website registration), so soft incentive is authorized: that means you can encourage your visitors to go see what is behind your affiliate link.
Also and once again unlike most PPC Advertising networks, with affiliate marketing networks there are very few fixed promotion rules and conditions. That doesn't mean that anything is authorized to promote your offers, that just means the conditions depend on the offers. The advertisers can choose whether to allow Twitter promotion, social media promotion, e-mail promotion.
There are many affiliate marketing networks to choose from. My recommendation is go to Adscend Media, and Peerfly. You can also include Amazon Partners and ClickBank, even though they are mostly utilized for product related marketing.
If you want to find out more about affiliate network marketing or other ways to monetize your website, I suggest you read my other articles on EzineArticles.
Otherwise and if you are interested in affiliate marketing, you can read my hubs Make Money With Affiliate Marketing and Top Two Best Affiliate Networks.