You just joined a network marketing company and your upline told you to get started building your prospects list. He tells you to list all the people you know from every address book you own. The more, the better he says.
Youre so excited you actually finish your list in a few hours – all 1,000 of them. You read it and you see names of relatives and friends. You find that most of the people in your list you have met only once and a handful you can barely remember who. You then go to your upline and show him your list. He praises you for it and tells you to get started contacting each and everyone of them.
And you say YES…
Armed with your computer and phone, you prepare to get started. Then youre stumped. Where should you start? All the names, e-mail addresses and numbers are just so inundating, it floods your brain. There has to be a better way to do this, right?
Guess what, youre right! And Im going to show you how to narrow down and divide your prospects list to a manageable level.
What you need to do is organize your list into four categories.
A. Those who have both money and time
B. Those have money but no time
C. Those who have no money but has time
D. Those who have no money and no time
B. Those have money but no time
C. Those who have no money but has time
D. Those who have no money and no time
It all depends on your social circle but youll most likely end up with a list where category A has the less number of people. This is your “A” list and you must contact these people first – the ones who have both money and time. Youll probably get a high conversion rate in this category.
After youve exhausted all the people in category A, then you move over to category B. These people have money but are often busy but some of them might still be able to squeeze your opportunity into their time.
Then move over to category C. In this category, youll probably encounter a lot who wants your opportunity but they dont have the money needed to get started. Still there are some in here who will do whatever it takes to get out of poverty.
The last category of people for you to contact are those in category D. This group will have the lowest conversion rate but still you might encounter one or two wholl qualify for your opportunity.
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