Most internet network marketers who are having success right now have set up a blog.
Dont believe me? Trust me, they pretty much all blog, and they use it frequently, if not every single day!
The reason is that its the fastest way to build credibility on a large scale. Of course picking up the phone and calling people can be a better relationship builder, but you have to do it one at a time.
Your blog not only builds relationships with potentially tens of thousands of people per month, but it also helps you sort the lookers from the buyers!
Now, if youve already set up a blog, youre ahead of the game. But, with so many new bloggers jumping on the scene, you definitely need to do a little bit more to set yourself apart.
Here are a few simple ideas to set up a blog to generate maximum credibility:
First, take off all those silly banners. It looks amateur, and they dont really work. Plus, when a reader clicks on one, theyre taken away from your blog, which is the last thing you want!
First, take off all those silly banners. It looks amateur, and they dont really work. Plus, when a reader clicks on one, theyre taken away from your blog, which is the last thing you want!
Next, be sure to have video posts every once in a while. Some of the fastest growing blogs Ive ever seen were done by people who do videos every day.
By having videos, your readers hear your voice and personality. That can be one of the most effective relationship building tools.
Another little trick is to offer consulting on your blog. Simply add a tab and then explain why they should pay to consult with you.
If you dont feel comfortable doing consulting, then raise the price higher than you think anyone will pay. Just having the tab is a great way for others to immediately look to you for advice and as a leader. In fact, Im currently working on a consulting tab for my blog.
For a while I even offered a service to set up a blog for anyone interested, and that worked wonders for my credibility. Ive decided to take a break from that, but I believe that setting up a consulting tab will do the trick as well.
Next, be sure to gather some testimonials. Many people think that you sit back and wait for someone to send you a testimonial video… not true!
You need to be proactive, and ask people for testimonials. Of course, you should ask people that youve worked with in the past.
And last but not least, you need content that sizzles! It needs to grab your readers and pull them in!
Have you ever read a blog title that sounded so good that you had to come back to it later? Or read a blog post so good that you just had to keep following them and opt in on their list?
I sure have!
Your content should be full of useful info that people can put into practice right away.
Ive been blogging for well over a year and a half, and if you set up a blog with the tips Ive shown you today, youll be positioned for success!
Have an awesome day,
Erin Smith
Erin wrote this article about how to set up a blog for maximum exposure and credibility. To see how Erin has taught hundreds of other bloggers to generate 10-15 times more leads than the average network marketer on the internet, check out Erin Smiths MLM Secrets now!