There is a term in football called “quicksand”, when everything seems to be going great, then something goes wrong, then another, and then another. The harder you fight the faster you sink. If you have watched football for any great length of time, you have seen it. An incomplete pass, then a fumble, then an interception, and pretty soon the team sinks and falls so far behind that they lose the game.
This happens in Network Marketing too. You are doing great, then someone drops out, then another, then you lose your momentum, and then you start having trouble sponsoring people as easily as you had sponsored them before. Then you are fighting to keep your team together, building, and moving forward. The harder you fight, the faster you sink.
In football, sometimes, it takes losing a game or two, before they can escape the “quicksand”. Other times it takes regrouping and re-evaluating at halftime. Some teams will just waste away, losing again and again, never figuring out till its too late what was going wrong.
In Network Marketing it takes figuring out what has caused this sudden sinking in your business and team, and it requires having the wherewithal to call upon your stronger, more successful upline to keep the “quicksand” from burying you alive.
Like the quicksand, when you stop moving and fighting it, you stop sinking. You reach a hand up (to your upline) and allow them to help pull you out of it. They have the knowledge and experience to help you to not fall in the “quicksand” again, and more than likely, they know exactly what you are going through and how to correct it. If you emmidate upline cant help you or has been in long enough, keep going up their upline until you reach someone that can help you. Whats always been cool about my company Numis, if you call headquarters they will tell you who you can connect with in Numis or someone in my team might have an upline person above them that might know. I am sure some companies have the same support for their people as well, so check and see and get the help you need.
I have seen it happen, I have experienced the “quicksand” phenomenon, and I have seen both those who got out and those that got buried over their head and never recovered. It happens quite often in fact, to the best of us, and to the leaders you look up to. Once you have had it happen to you, and you have allowed you upline to help you out of it, you then know what to do to help someone on your team when it happens to them.
Never be too proud or too cocky or think it is something you can handle on your own. With experience comes the problem solving skills to either make sure it doesnt happen or to get you out of it, and that is the experience your upline has…that is what they are there for. A great leader will make the time to help you, because your success is their success and your growth adds to their growth as well, which makes the whole team even stronger.
To Your Great Financial Future
Blaine M. Brazzle
Blaine M. Brazzle
PHONE (425) 577-0363
Create wealth and success in Network Marketing. Chose the right company, the right product, the right team, with the right management. Visit me at to learn more.