
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Truth Behind Network Marketing! Some Network Marketing Secrets Revealed!

If you were looking for some answers on the question whether network marketing would be something for you or not, then you will probably find them here and now at this very moment. After all, why did you decide to read this article? Not because you arent interested in making some extra cash I guess…
Is network marketing a scam? Is it illegal? No, network marketing is not a scam and yes, it is a legitimate business. It has become one of the most popular ways to earn some extra money. I personally always keep an extra credit card aside, only to be used for my business.
Every network marketing company has its own range of products and when it comes down to the quality of the product, almost every product works. I write “almost” because I will never make a claim about products that I personally dont use. Some companies sell, at first sight, rather expensive products with a high personal value while others sell daily usable top quality products. But in the end, they all offer a genuine product that adds value to someones life, which I find a very important aspect. If it doesnt, nobody would be using it and in the long run, the company will stop existing. This simple economical law of demand and supply is very important to understand. Every successful business person does and after all were all equal, so why wouldnt you understand it?
Maybe some of you are wondering why people sometimes express themselves negatively about network marketing. First of all, they dont understand how it works. Secondly, some of those people got involved with a company, but were kept in the darkness on several aspects. And in the third category are the people with high expectations who have quit too early and feel disappointed (sometimes even shame) afterwards. Maybe you are to be found in one of those categories, but thats no problem. If so… stop reading immediately please. I have no intentions of persuading people and I certainly dont want to bring back bad memories!
I have seen too many people struggling while trying to find a way to market their business successfully. I admire them. Why do I admire those people a lot? Because they never give up, but sadly enough they just keep struggling. The main reason of their struggle is that they have joined a company not knowing the fact that “joining what seems to be the best” doesnt always mean “joining the best”. If theres one thing that you should have learned at school is that you need to educate yourself before you start something. Join a company that benefits you as a person. This will make sure that youre happy with what you do and that you believe in your work. Work? Is being a network marketer a job? Yes and no. Yes, because you do have to work for it and no, because its more a lifestyle. Once you have made this lifestyle your own and you learn how to adapt new strategies at a fast speed, you will find yourself in a great position.
I hope you found the answers you were looking for. Allow me to wish you all the best in your lifelong journey and if new questions popped up while reading, you can always contact me. Never forget that serving people makes you a winner. Because in the end, you will ask yourself if what you did with your life was useful. Regret is the worst feeling in the world and I dont ever want you to feel it.
Jens Holvoet is a Internet and Network Marketing Consultant. For more information or contact details, please visit