As persuasive as you can be there is one thing that will allow you to recruit numbers beyond your imagination. Its a secret equation that can be read in a simple formula that will fatten your bank accounts if used correctly. And if you were to step back from it and get altitude to look at the formula from above you would see that it goes like this:
MB + P + LSE = MR
Okay let me explain this concept. Back before MLM Traffic Formula 2.0 came out, MLM traffic formula 1 was the king of MLM training courses. It was packed with crazy cool information that changed a lot of network marketers lives forever and created income that newbie network marketers dream of.
With the first MLM Traffic Formula there was a call where Tim Erway and Tom Bell recruited like 1,732 reps in one month. Wow those numbers blew me away and I thought it was nearly impossible. Needless to say those numbers had my attention and I had to figure out how the heck they did it.
There was some type of magic that they had, some type of superpower. Almost like a superhero who has this hidden power that nobody knows about but everyone wants. Who wouldnt want to have Supermans power? It was a mystery to what they did to sponsor 1,732 reps for those who were struggling to just get one sign up.
Which leads me to the first part of the equation – “MB” which is “Magic Bullet”. And it comes not by just being who you are, but the superhero version of you. If you are your team are really great at something like generating 100 leads in one day…that is a magic bullet.
Now when Tim and Mike were promoting the MLM Traffic Formula they did a call where they explained how they recruited 1,732 reps in 30 days. There they told the story and the components which provided a critical component in the formula which is “PROOF”. After you revealed your magic bullet you want to provide proof that your magic bullet actually works.
Now these two components are very powerful already and can get you recruiting massive numbers just by having MB(magic bullet) + P(proof). But now you have to add in a little psychology which is on your target market side.
When your prospects sees the numbers you are putting up with your magic bullet, whether it be income, leads generated, traffic to your site, prospects recruited, etc. They will say to themselves, “man if I can even do just a fraction of that, I would be successful”. Example) if you are generating 150 leads per day using your magic bullet, there are going to be prospects that say – “man if I can even generate 20 leads per day using this technique I would be well on my way……”
This part is the LSE, which is the “low self-esteem” part of the equation. You put these all together within your formula and you have the equation for easy seamless recruiting.
MB(magic bullet) + P(proof) + LSE(low self esteem) = MR(massive recruiting)
Heres a quick example of how you can put this altogether. Lets say you have a team CO-OP that is the magic bullet for your team. With this team CO-OP you are bringing in 50,000 visitors to your teams site every month, and generating 3,000 leads per month with that traffic.
A prospect sees that and you basically “wow” them because they have trouble even getting 20 leads per month. You got their attention.
You then show them screen shots, videos, team testimonials, and allow them to see your team blog where you write posts on every new member coming in to your team as the result of the team CO-OPs. This provides massive proof and some great social proof as well.
The prospect sees that if they can get involved and even do a fraction of the results your getting they can be making a heck of a lot more then they are right now. You use some copywriting or webinar that closes this hot prospect which gets you to do some MR(massive recruiting).
The best and easiest formula for you to use right now.
MB + P + LSE = MR
Online MLM Marketing Is one of the best skills you can learn when it comes to attracting free leads to you. If you want to learn highly guarded traffic secrets click here now MLM marketing secrets