
Friday, December 23, 2011

Social Media Sharing Suites

Due to the many social sites and interaction forums on the internet in modern day, there is a great need in software that will allow for sharing of videos, music and photos. This has led to the competition and rush by many software companies to come up with programs that will help forums and website provide their visitors with sharing features or abilities. Some of this softwares are:

ClipBucket- it allows you to have your own video sharing website that could compete with the likes of You Tube. A ClipBucket Hosting plan allows free video sharing and comes with features that allow a web user to upload or download videos. For the ClipBucket provider to be able to allow site visitors share videos, the script has to be able to support FFMPEG, LAME MP3 Encoder, Flv2tool, Libogg + Libvorbis, Mplayer + Men coder and CGI-BIN Access. This feature allows the users upload and download any type of video on the site.
ClipBucket software- it comes with free domains, unlimited space and unlimited web traffic. It is coded with the easy PHP script and run on the MySQL database. It can be activated and run immediately after installing it on your site and you will be able to monitor the performance live from your servers. The software is flexible and very effective when it comes to functionality.
The Media share hosting plan allows you to share videos, audio and photos on your website. The Media Share suite allows you to run a highly reliable and powerful website that will enable you to compete in the industry with the other players. There is a new version of the suite that is now known as the Media Share 3.0, the newer version comes with numerous exciting versions of video, audio and a photo sharing feature that are all embedded into one. The suite allows for social networking on the website with customized user channels.
Due to the advancement of the internet, the new Media Share hosting plan allows for multi languages and has a very user friendly search engine on the platform. With the use of the Media Share suite, you are able to convert both audio and video files and even make video advertisements that help you market your business. Other unique features of the Media Share suite include sharing of files, messaging, and emails, commenting on posts, word filtering, sharing of profiles, ratings, and sharing of playlist, the history and friends features plus many more social media applications.
The Adult Video Script hosting allows you to support the sharing of adult videos on your website. This script is a fast and reliable suite that will allow web users to share adult content on your platform. The Adult Video Script hosting plan comes with a lot of bandwidth unlimited data transfer allowing the users to share and transfer videos on the platform. It allows you to have adult videos, photos and even games hosting and sharing all available on your website.
Cirtexhosting offers website hosting and vps hosting at affordable prices.