
Showing posts with label Business Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business Tips. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Most Sensitive Listening Device Ever

In January this year, the surveillance world received some interesting news that no one seems to have picked up on. Scientists in Germany have created the most sensitive listening piece ever invented: a gold sphere just 60 nanometres in diameter. Incredibly, this is the equivalent to 60 billionths of a metre!) The creation reacts to soundwaves and detects noises down to minus 60 decibels, and is just sensitive enough to hear the sounds made by bacteria suspended in water.
There is no need to go into the scientific details and implications here; there are plenty of articles around already doing that. What we will say, however, is that this is a huge leap forward in nanotechnology, and such technology has always been linked to a range of fields other than medical – surveillance included.
Covert equipment like listening recorders, bugs and video cameras have taken huge leaps forward over the past decade, thanks to technological advances like the ability to cram hugely powerful processors into smaller and smaller chips. For example, you can find high-definition surveillance cameras that measure in at less than a centimetre long and half a centimetre wide. The proliferation of fast wireless technology has made it possible for conversations to be overheard from cities and continents away.
Imagine taking the incredibly powerful, sensitive technology we have now and scaling it down to the size of a human blood cell. It seems nanotechnology is not so far off doing exactly that. At SCIA, we look to the future and wonder about what corporate security and surveillance implications might come from this amazing new technology.
Counter-surveillance is an ever-changing industry. Although listening devices the size of dust mites are probably a long way off, at SCIA we believe in keeping up to date on any changes that might be heading our way.
About Author :  Click here

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mind Your Marketing: No Matter What Your Specialization or Niche, Show Why You Care

This September, if you counted all the number of political signs all around my neighborhood, you would have concluded that the hot upcoming election was not a race for the President, the House or the Senate but for Register of Deeds. I am not kidding!
Our county's current Register of Deeds was retiring after 23 years in the office. The four candidates vying to replace her debated one another, and the local paper published profiles of them. All this made me curious, because in my mind, Register of Deeds is the ultimate nerdy elected job. What in the world was there to care about, much less debate?
The candidates differed, I learned, when it came to what the Register of Deeds could do about so-called "robo-signed" documents, which played a role in many fraudulent foreclosures. One of the candidates had a vision of what could be done to make land records more usable by genealogy researchers.
Another explained that as Register of Deeds, she would help protect the typical family's largest investment, their home. She also pointed out that old land records are often crucial in determining which roads in the county are public and which private.
This little exploration into something I'd never thought about before hammered home a few general marketing lessons.
1. No matter how nerdy your specialty, there are probably numerous possible ways to explain why it's important and why you care about it. Why is this service important for the person being served? How is it relevant for others in society? What values are promoted by the work you do?
2. See if you can connect your specialization to a controversy, an event or an achievement that the average person probably has heard about. This adds to the perceived value of your work contribution.
3. Explain your ideas about getting the job done well. Had I been present at the Register of Deeds debate, I'm sure I would have gotten a clear sense of particular priorities emphasized by each of the candidates more than the others. Without realizing it, you can likewise come across differently from competitors just by the way you describe this factor.
Let's suppose now that you're a nutritional labeling specialist. For packaged foods clients, you analyze food products to determine compliance with all the federal regulations on printed food labels. Instead of simply describing in a technical fashion which kinds of labeling information you provide, you could stand out vis-a-vis competitors with the kind of elaboration described above. Remind potential food entrepreneur clients that correctly analyzing the nutritional content of foods helps consumers obtain all the nutrients they need, comply with medically necessary diet restrictions and avoid triggering life-threatening allergic reactions. Proper food labeling saves lives, in addition to complying with the law.
Don't take for granted that the person in a position to buy your product or service understands what's at stake. Probably they do not. By spelling out the factors identified above, you make "votes" - purchases - for what you sell much more likely.
A bookworm as a child, Marcia Yudkin grew up to discover she had a surprising talent for creative marketing. She's the author of more than a dozen books, including 6 Steps to Free Publicity, now in its third edition, and Meatier Marketing Copy. She mentors introverts so they discover their uniquely powerful branding and most comfortable marketing strategies, and helps them create a promotional presence that attracts the kind of clients who make them happiest.
To learn more about the strengths and preferences of introverts, download her free Marketing for Introverts audio manifesto:

Wage Theft Epidemic: Are You a Victim?

Recently, the U.S. Department of Labor has had to deal with a rash of wage-theft lawsuits. The department found it necessary to file charges against numerous employers who short-changed employees in the area of overtime compensation. Experts who work these cases on a daily basis tell us that the number one issue is the miscalculation of overtime pay. A device as simple as an employee time clock might prevent many of these legal cases from ever coming to trial. When employers fail to pay workers for overtime, or when they misclassify hours worked, they often find themselves on the wrong end of a federal government lawsuit.
Whenever a company does not pay a worker for overtime, or regular hours worked, the issue is referred to as wage theft. Typically, when an employee doctors a time card in order to defraud his employer, that practice is called time theft. Recent government litigation has shown that the two most common practices, which lead to wage theft could be prevented by simple employee time clocks. A recent major case was filed by the Department of Labor against one of the nation's largest retailers. The retailer ended up having to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in back pay to workers who had not been properly compensated for overtime.
An employee time clock, properly used, might have prevented that major case from seeing the light of day. When both companies and workers are vigilant, and use sophisticated employee time clock devices, such problems are avoided altogether. Due to the spate of lawsuits, more companies are installing modern time clock devices and software in order to prevent a trip to the courthouse.
Quality time and attendance systems, like biometric access systems, can measure every second of each worker's time, and categorize that time correctly. If a problem arises, it is easily fixed. No longer do owners and employees need worry about paycheck accuracy. Many high-tech systems in use today are able to prevent identity theft as well.
Wage theft continues to be a huge legal issue for companies, but with the advent of sophisticated time and attendance software, the problem is likely to abate. Time clock systems are inexpensive, especially considering what management and labor can save in terms of legal costs, hours lost, and frustration avoided. Some of the best attendance systems use biometric data to prevent unauthorized access and employee time theft.
Looking for quality time clocks to help your business? Consider one of several affordable and quality models from Time Clocks & More.

Friday, September 7, 2012

I Lost My Business Because I Never Opened My Mail

It seems like such a simple thing. Check the mail. Open the mail. Check the mail. Open the mail. It really is such a simple process, right? Then why do I constantly go into offices and they hand me a stack of unopened envelopes. As a business owner, you are constantly throwing money out the window when you don't open your mail. If you are too busy, get an assistant. Not opening your mail can cost you hundreds of dollars or even thousands! What seems like a simple and common thing is not that common to all. It's the little things small business owners don't know that can cost them the most.
Here are a few reasons why a small business owner should open their mail daily.
1.Returned deposit notice from your bank. Nothing could be worse than making a deposit from a customer and the check bounces. Regardless of all the technology these days, there are a lot of businesses who still write checks. The effects of a customer writing a check that bounces can cost you hundreds of dollars in bank fees. Once you deposit the customer payment and pay your bills you are at risk. At risk for $25 - $35 for every check you write that doesn't clear because of insufficient funds. And that's no chump change.
2.Past due license renewals. Most business owners are aware of when their business or professional license will expire. But just like a driver's license; when that due date gets near you forget. This small daily task can ultimately cost you the right to do business. Some licenses can be renewed simply by paying re-instatement fees but others may require you to re-take a licensing test first. More often than not I have worked with clients who failed to renew their business license which resulted in them being unable to bid on jobs needed to maintain their cash flow.
3.Notices from government agencies. This is the number one reason why you should open your mail. Government agencies do not call you about your account with them. They do not send you an email. And they definitely don't text you. They send you a good ole fashion printed letter. As a matter of fact they send you two copies. And when agencies such as the IRS send you a letter, you better believe you owe them some money. I worked with a client who had several unopened envelopes from the IRS and the state of Maryland when I started working on their account. Each letter was for a different year or tax return and each letter said they owed the government approximately $2,000 each. Collectively they totaled almost $10,000. And that was at the time they sent the letters, almost 2 years prior. At that point in time the $10,000 had grown because of interest and penalties added. Had they opened their mail regularly they could have avoided a huge tax issue.
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For more small business tips, on how to keep your money in your business, go to to receive the 10 Critical Steps to Building A Financially Successful Business From The Start and a subscription to our weekly finance success factor ezine directly in your inbox.

Advantages of Offsite Data Storage and Electronic Data Storage

Electronic Data Storage is carried out through a document management system (DMS). A DMS is a computer system that is used to store and track documents, which is in soft or electronic format. Electronic data storage also means keeping track of the different versions of the document, as uploaded by different users and systems. The term has some overlap with the concepts of content management systems.
Document storage was introduced way back in the 1980s. During this period, many businesses began to develop systems to track and store paper-based documents. Slowly and steadily, electronic data storage was also developed, keeping up with the amount of electronic data and documents that were being used. As time passed, the amount of electronic data increased by many folds. Businesses were facing difficulty in storing such huge amount of electronic data, as it required additional storage servers and space. This is when offsite data storage came into the picture. Offsite data storage meant that vendors, or specialized business rent out servers and space to organizations to store the required electronic data.
Electronic data storage provides storage, versioning, metadata, security, indexing and retrieval capabilities for the stored documents.
• A Metadata is stored for each document and image. Metadata are some keywords present in the document, which helps in easy search and identification of the document.
• Electronic data storage also involves online integration. Using this feature, users can not only view the document in the DMS, but also make changes, if required. The DMS will ensure that all versions of the document are saved.
• Indexing involves the tracking of the electronic documents. Indexing can be a simple task, but keeping the indexing based on names, or a complex task, by using the metadata as well. The more complex the indexing for a large set of documents, the easier will be the retrieval process.
• Storage of electronic documents includes management of those documents in different formats, different locations, and also the destruction of the documents, if required.
• Retrieval of the electronically stored data can be a simple, yet a complex and powerful task. The retrieval will be based on the keywords provided by the user, which will be used to search the stored document. They keywords will be searched in the indexed folder, and also in the metadata.
• An electronic stored data has to be in a format that cannot be altered easily. The data storage system or facility should ensure that an original copy of the document is always maintained, so that even if alterations are done, the master copy always exists. This is a very important criteria for high-end transactions and legal documents.
• One of the key aspects of electronic document storage is the document security. The data storage facility, specially the offsite data storage businesses have to ensure that the documents are stored in a safe environment, where the risk of plagiarism, theft, and damage is minimal.
• Another important aspect to be kept in mind is versioning. A DMC should maintain all versions of the documents, even if a minor change is made by any user.
• Document scanning services is critical when storing electronic data. While it is simple to store electronic documents, the electronic document storage business should know how large documents, like a blueprint, or building plan, can be printed.
To sum up, the basic requirements of an offsite data storage and electronic document storage requires the business to establish and create a procedure to:
• Review and approval of documents prior to release
• Ensure clear identification of changes
• Ensure records of all document versions
• Ensure that documents are legible and identifiable
• Ensure that external documents are controlled
• Prevent theft and forgery
Beant Bajwa writes articles for PHS Recordsmanagement, one of the technologically advanced offsite data storage company in the UK. PHS Recordsmanagement provides cost effective electronic document storage and document scanning services to its clients.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Vacation Sales Cold Call Script

If you have been hunting around for a cold call script, take a look at this one. The destination vacation is a big money operation. People who make 1,000 calls per week generally find 100 interested prospects that turn into 50 paid customers using scripts like this one. Everyone tweaks a word here and there in scripts and this one is no different. Sit with your sales manager for approval on the wording and then try this script out on your next 100 calls and see if it makes a difference.
"Hello, is __________ there?
Hello, my name is _________, calling from _______________ How are you today? (Customer's first name)
I see that you filled out a survey form and expressed interest in a Hawaii vacation.
Our company has just released our VIP Invitations for vacations to Hawaii and your name is on that list!
I am calling to make sure you want to take advantage of this discounted Hawaii vacation offer. Mr/Ms_______________________what do you think?
If you have pen and paper,I'll give you all my information so you can start planning.
Again, my name is ________ and this is through _____________________________.
This Hawaii vacation package is for 4 days and 3 nights on Maui. Your airline will be _____________________________. You will be staying at the Hotel __________________ for 4 days and 3 nights. If you need other airline arrangements we are a full service travel agency and we would be happy to search for another airline fare.
I know that we do not pay your personal expenses or any taxes and no service fees are paid. The last time I went, I believe I paid not more than $25.00 and I paid that at the hotel check-in.
I only have 11 vacation packages to Hawaii and I do have other calls to make to lucky people. Are you ready to buy this great vacation today?
The cost is $698.00 for two adults and must be taken within 6 months from today. As long as both of you are over 21 years of age, you are on your way to sunny Hawaii!
Do you have your credit card ready or do you need to discuss this with someone before you buy?
I'm only offering this one package today so you would need to buy today, but then again, take up to 6 months before you run off for a fabulous vacation!
Oh no, Ma'am, there are no hidden fees or charges. But now that you mention it, there is one thing that I would ask you to do. Once you get home, would you drop me a line and tell me what was the most exciting, the most beautiful or the most fun about this Hawaii vacation?
Yes, you can enclose a snap shot if you would like.
If you are ready to buy right now, I'm ready to take your credit card and get you all set up.
Yes, Ma'am, please read the numbers on your card.
I'll read that back to you.
Now if you would verify your address I'll get your things into the mail.
Wonderful! Now write down my name and phone number so I can answer any questions for you.
My Ticket Registrations department might give you a call to verify the spelling on your name or some other detail, I hope that is not a bother for you.
Okay, we are all set.
I will you enjoy that fabulous sun, sand and sea! Aloha!"
Invest your time and words into a script that deliver what you want to convey as efficiently as possible. Use a mirror and practice doing phone sales to yourself until all the words are comfortable and you can smile the entire way through. A great telesales script is extremely valuable.
Lee Anne Wonnacott has been working at various jobs since her teen years. Her business acumen is focused on people starting up their own businesses and new businesses that are less than a year old. She has a 2003 Master's Degree from the University of Phoenix. With an extensive business career and an advanced degree, Lee Anne conducts a no-holds-barred approach to solving business problems. She lives, plays and causes trouble in Oceanside, California.

5 Small Business Marketing Tips Every Business Owner Needs To Know

Having an arsenal of small business marketing tips can help you catapult your business to success.

As a business owner, you should be constantly searching for small business marketing tips that can be used in your business. This will ensure that your marketing efforts are always fresh and relevant. We have collected some of the best small business marketing tips that every owner should know.
Appeal to emotions because emotion almost always wins over reason.
In your marketing messages, whether they are print, online, video or other, appeal to the emotions of your audience. If you make your audience feel something, that feeling will certainly win out over reason. It is much easier to evoke sentiments than it is to win an argument.
Invest more in your online marketing that in any other type of marketing.
While there is more to small business marketing than online marketing, it is the most important component today. Increasing numbers of consumers use the Internet to research and make decisions on their purchases. If you do not have a solid online presence, you do not exist for a large portion of your target audience. Therefore, you need to make sure you have a great website; traffic is being sent to it; and you are working the leads you get from your online marketing. Effective online marketing takes time, commitment and consistency.
Maintain a dialogue with your clients.
Find out what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong, as well as what you are not doing at all by having a dialogue with your clients. To do so, establish and maintain Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts that you use regularly; do surveys; blog; visit industry forums; and more. Any time you have an opportunity to communicate with your clients and would-be clients, whether in person or virtually, do so. That is where you will find the most valuable information about what exactly they want and how you can meet their needs better. This is one of the most valuable small business marketing tips you can get.
Focus on existing customers.
Those who have already bought from you are very likely to do so again. Make sure that you have a marketing plan in place to stay in contact with existing customers and entice them to come back. It costs a lot less to retain a client than it does to get a new one.
Use word of mouth promotion.
Word of mouth seems very much like an old-fashioned type of marketing method and one that leaves a lot to chance. But in today's technological world, that is not the case. Offer incentives for existing customers to refer you to their friends and family. With Twitter or Facebook, it is easy to track who is being referred by whom. Make it worth the while for the referrer.
Work these small business marketing tips into the marketing plan for your business.
Known as "The Smart Simple Marketing Coach," the tech-savvy Sydni uses a results-focused, "how to" approach in implementing simple, customized strategies so service professionals create profitable businesses in which they enjoy the lifestyle they choose.
Visit for your FR*EE training course, "5 Simple Steps to More Clients, More Visibility and More Freedom" and apply for a FR*EE "Profit Breakthrough" session with Sydni!

Ask and You Shall Receive - Practical Tips for Getting Discounts for Your Business

It's truly amazing what you can get when you just ask. Even though I'm going to focus on applying this to your business, this can also be applicable to other areas. My wife and I have found favor and received upgrades at the airport and at hotels just by simply asking for them.
In your business don't be afraid to ask for discounts - especially with vendors you do a lot of business with. In our furniture business we were able to negotiate a 5% discount with two of our major suppliers. 5% doesn't sound like a lot, but when you're talking about a higher ticket item like furniture, it adds up to be thousands of dollars per year in savings.
We also work with a warehouse that helps us with our shipping needs. We simply asked for a discount and they cut our monthly fees by 40%!!!
Remember, none of this would have happened had we not asked. If you're already in business take a look at all your expenses and see where you can "trim the fat" so to speak. Do some research on where you might be able to get items for your business at a better price. If you find another source that is less, see if your current source will match it or even beat it.
We saved a whopping 50% on wooden shipping pallets for our furniture because we ship nationwide just by shopping it around. My wife is a great negotiator and shopped around for a credit card processing company and got such a good rate that when telemarketers call from other processing companies they tell us that they can't come close to the rate we have. Again, all of this happened because we asked.
If you're just starting your business remember that everything is negotiable. Even though you may not be doing a ton of business with your vendors yet, you can still get a better deal by asking for it.
I realize that none of this information is brand new or anything you probably haven't heard before, but as a business owner even little discounts can add up quickly and make a big difference in your bottom line.
I am typically by nature a little more shy about asking so if you're like me, have your spouse or business partner ask for the discount or handle the negotiations. It really does pay off.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

B2B Telemarketing Vs B2C Telemarketing

What is the difference between B2B telemarketing & B2C telemarketing?

There are two types of telemarketing services, B2B telemarketing (Business to Business) and B2C telemarketing (Business to Consumer). Here is a brief summary of the similarities and differences between the two types of telemarketing.

The commonalities
First, the responsiveness of a potential customer is proportional to the confidence he has to you or the company you represent. It is therefore very important to maintain your credibility and continually reinforced. It is also of great importance to have a customer service outstanding. Moreover, it is critical to create and maintain a relationship with a potential customer. This maintains the confidence he has in you. All this applies to both B2B and B2C.
More differences than similarities
The term B2B telemarketing is on everyone's lips. When we make B2B calls, we make more use of the rational part of our potential customer. He will think long before going ahead with our offer. It will take time to plan everything. The sale process is long term. When we conduct B2C, it's more the emotional side of our interlocutor who is arrested. It will react according to its immediate need. So the sales process in this case is short.
B2B requires greater experience and rigorous, simply because customers have not asked the same language as B2C. These are decision makers and their decisions can change many things within a company. While B2C, decisions are important for the individual, but buying a sweeper will not change completely the life of our interlocutor. That is why the B2C requires no experience.
Which of the two types of telemarketing is more profitable? It depends on your vision, short or long term. It is therefore clear that in the short term, B2C telemarketing is more profitable, since the decisions of potential customers are made quickly. By cons, long term, it is more profitable to do B2B telemarketing. Even during a temporary promotion, B2B telemarketing is through the good help to be expected.
A disadvantage of B2B is that the number of prospects is limited. There are fewer companies than individuals. It is therefore very well target the markets you want to develop.
Side longevity of customer relations, it is clear that B2B relationships will last much longer. The reason why this relationship is longer in time is that initially the cost of the product or service provided is much higher than B2C.
David, for more than 10 years in sales and marketing positions in the IT industry. And if you are looking for telemarketing support - we will be happy to hear!

What Is a Business Continuity Policy?

When we talk about a business continuity policy, we mean something that leads to or contributes to the betterment and improvement of a business. It is literally a document that is created in order to suggest and transmit management expectations and business probability, particularly focusing on the long-term business continuity program performance.
The vital point in making a business continuity policy is for it to be signed and implemented throughout the entire business or organization through the efforts of the management to make the same as effective as it can be. It must also be noted that the general content of the policy statement must be fixed or consistent, devoid of constant changes. The same must be able to define and distinguish specific actions tasked to every employee belonging to the organization. Moreover, the same policy is the best source and reference when it comes to the overview of the objectives and mission of the entire organization.
Today, there are an increasing number of companies and organizations that are currently complementing policy statements with that of management reviewed charter as well as framework citation. The purpose of both the charter and framework is to offer and supply a greater level of detail for the purpose of clarifying how the organization will be able to conduct vital program activities. The said activities included both short and long term ones. However, there are also some organizations that express uncertainty when it comes to building a policy. So the only way to convince them is by way of comprehending and understanding the benefits and advantages of making and signing it.
One of the most important standards of any continuity policy is repeatability. Likewise, it serves as a very convincing factor in any organization when it comes to establishing the business continuity program. It must be noted that an interestingly and properly written policy names the main players as well as their responsibilities in the program. This in turn will provide tangible and very clear expectations for the group of people that includes the senior management and staff, business continuity personnel, and practically every employee involved in the organization.
A good policy additionally avoids the likelihood of the organization to throw away that much needed time in re-establishing or changing the image on an annual basis. What it does instead is push the same organization to stick to one set of principles based on its culture and operations, with one vision in mind for the ultimate objective of organizational resiliency.
Finally, a policy must be put on consistent execution. This is to ensure that the program will be able to effectively integrate with the strategy, operation, and risk management disciplines carried out by the organization in general. What we are trying to exemplify is the fact that if the organization fails to perform the necessary steps when training its people in relation to the updated business continuity plan, then the business itself will likely be put at risk.
Sebastian Cork specializes in information reviews, You can check out his newest internet site at Business Continuity Policy, in which he provides Business Continuity Institute

Monday, August 20, 2012

Marketing for Generation R

It's a tough place out there at the moment, and its widely believed that this current generation of kids/youths/young adults (delete the inappropriate) will be the first in modern history to be poorer and worse off than its parents.
So after Generation Y - Welcome Generation R (RENT).
As a marketing agency, we've been involved in youth marketing for some time now, and for us the 'back-to-school' promotional period is always really busy, but we can tell the times are changing. With less applicants uni, conflicting stats say Youth unemployment is up or down, and more fear creeping in with raising costs, everyone is looking at this space with a wide open and somewhat puzzled eye.
It's no way all doom and gloom though. According to Student Beans recent research 52% of students said if I really wanted something I will buy it regardless, and there is still an abundance of credit around. The critical thing is embracing new media and creating campaigns that are useful, different, have a personality, stand for what they believe in or at the very least be entertaining.
Social Media is key. It isn't a new wave of marketing. Soon it will be the only wave of marketing.
The physical world is shrinking. It is said that over 50% of young adults are scared of knife crime, parents don't send their kids down the park all day and say 'come home when it gets dark', just like you don't leave your back door open for the neighbour to pop in and help themselves to a cup of sugar. And yes, I know, you no longer get free milk at school and an afternoon nap, times change. But the point I'm making is that in this time, people are still doing what they always did, just using social media as a way to do it.
People want to make friends and connect, chat about topics they find interesting, share hobbies and exchange views, flirt, play, listen to music and social media is facilitating this.
People to make mix tapes, they make custom play lists. Don't collect badges of favourite bands, but 'Like' them. Don't pass notes around class they BBM. Its nothing new, just a new way to it.
Whats important for our customers... and yes... you could be one (if you have a marketing budget of course!), is that they either compliment the discussion, or provide something of value to draw people in. Think about those kids in the park. In my day the ice-cream van could stop me mid sentence and I'd be running screaming to spend my pocket money, but if a creepy guy I didn't know came up to us and interrupted us with an offer of something sweet, I wouldn't have embraced him with the same enthusiasm.
For a generation that are the first time demonstrating about themselves as the cause, rather than for someone else or a charity, you better make sure you have something relevant to say.
And if you need someone to help you say it... give us a call.

Defenses Against Negotiating Dirty Tricks

Hopefully we all realize that the world is full of folks who have no reservations about resorting to dirty tricks as a part of their negotiation styles and negotiating techniques during a negotiation. As a negotiator this means that you're going to be encountering dirty tricks all the time no matter how hard you try to conduct a principled negotiation. This, of course, brings up the question: what can you do to defend yourself against dirty tricks?
5 Ways To Defend Yourself Against Dirty Tricks During A Negotiation
The one thing that you're not going to be able to do during your next negotiation is to prevent the other side from using dirty tricks to get their way. Instead, I'm going to suggest that you use the following tips to defend yourself when the other side of the table starts to use these types of tactics:
  • Call Them On It: When the other side starts to not deliver on what they've negotiated, either by not telling you the truth about what is going on or by missing dates that they had agreed to, you need to call them on it. When this type of behavior starts, you should treat it as an early indication that something is starting to go wrong and take action early.

  • Call Their Buff: The reason that the other side of the table will be willing to use dirty tricks to get their way during negotiations is because they've gotten away with it in the past. Simply put, this is bully behavior. Don't let them get away with it when they are dealing with you - call their bluff. As is almost always the case with bullies, they'll more than likely back off when they see that you mean business.

  • It's All About Relationships: As a negotiator, it's your responsibility to know who you are dealing with. The other side of the table shows up with a reputation that is based on their behavior in past negotiations. If they have negotiated with integrity in the past, then odds are they'll negotiate with integrity when they are dealing with you. If they haven't...

  • It Only Matters If It's Written Down: As much as we negotiators like to reach verbal agreements with the other side and shake hands over a new deal, the only thing that really counts in the negotiation process is what gets written down in the contract. In order to make sure that you get what you want, add as much detail to your contract as possible and get as many signatures on it as you can.

  • Lawyers Are Good - To A Point: One important fact that too many negotiators seem to overlook is that it's important to include a lawyer to make sure that everything is correct with the contract that you're working on. However, your lawyer can't tell you if it's a good deal to do. Ultimately, after the contract has been created, you need to pause before signing it and make sure that you still want to do this deal.
What All Of This Means For You
Listen to experienced negotiators when they tell you that it's always better to deal with unpleasant problems while you are sitting at the negotiating table instead of allowing them to turn into aggravations and expenses later on - this should almost be a part of the negotiation definition. In order to prevent such hassles from happening take the time to very carefully take a look at each paragraph in the agreement that you're getting ready to sign.
Hold off on signing any agreement too quickly - especially if the other side has attempted to use dirty tricks during the negotiation. Instead, make sure that you feel that you have been able to negotiate an adequate level of protection into the deal that you feel is consistent with the size of the deal.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Novel Networking Secrets to Get Noticed

In the last several years, networking has emerged as the frontrunner to success. Regardless of profession, affiliations, background, or life stage, networking is the lifeblood of creating and developing relationships. The ability to effectively network can make or break your success. Specifically, novel networking is when visibility and credibility connect with opportunity. This is an equation for success. We must have visibility and credibility, as well as openness to opportunities that cross our path.
Stories of unfathomable business deals being made, jobs being obtained after an extensive job search, marriage-bound relationships coming together - and the list goes on and on. And it was networking, which set the wheels in motion, so to speak.
Regardless of your motives for networking, it is crucial that you get noticed. You would find yourself in a situation that is one-on-one, or in a room filled with thousands of people. Standing out and being memorable is the key to opening your door of opportunity. However, networking must be done strategically to be effective. There are several things you can do to guarantee you become the most novel networker folks have ever seen. These particularly apply when attending events, such as seminars, workshops, conferences, and the like:
Have a Goal in Mind: We have all had the experience of showing up at events with networking opportunities with no game plan. However, it is most beneficial when you put some thought into what your goals are. Why are you attending the event? Who do you want to meet? How do you plan to do that? Take time to write these questions and answers down. These are questions that will enable you to focus your networking efforts for maximum impact. And, they hold you accountable.
Have a Networking Journal: This journal should be devoted exclusively to your networking efforts. It serves as a great organizational tool. You can keep track of all of your conversations, and make notes immediately after conversations. This helps with remembering essential points made during various conversations. You can then use these key points in subsequent conversations. This will make you a memorable standout, and shows that you were actually engaged in active listening.
Research the Subject Matter Being Presented: Technology has made it so easy for us to get information on anything. Before the networking activity, conduct thorough research on the subject matter being presented. You will be much more of a conversational asset this way. It also demonstrates initiative, and a desire to be a subject matter expert.
Research the Speakers: Similar to the previous point, perform Internet searches on all of the speakers, and take notes on each one. You never know when the opportunity for you to actually meet a speaker - or several of them - will arise. As such, it is good to be prepared. They will be very impressed with your initiative and commitment to learn more about them.
Research Attendees In Advance if Possible: Some organizations - and more every day - have begun to post the list of attendees in advance. Websites such as and, both make it very easy to find out who will be in attendance. Once you have an idea of who will be in attendance, you can research the backgrounds of those you find interesting, or better yet - as many people as you can. We have all heard about the 'six degrees of separation' concept. Learn as much as your can about their backgrounds ahead of time. This novel technique is a conversational gold mine, and will definitely get you noticed and remembered.
Brainstorm Ways You Can Enhance the Life of Everyone You Meet: Contrary to popular belief, networking is not the time to be selfish, and think of all the ways you can take from people. No, a far more effective approach is to be constantly thinking of ways you can help the person you meet. For example, if you meet someone who owns a lawn care service, perhaps you can refer him/her to your neighbor who broke his leg last week, and is now wearing a cast. Be a giver. Adopting this mindset alone will make you a class act, which will definitely make folks take note.
During Conversations, Use the Name of Each Person You Meet at Least Five Times: For a long time, research as shown that we all like hearing the sound of our own names. This is also very true in networking. However, this technique has dual benefits: it helps you get remembered, and it helps you to remember the name of the person you are talking to. You can weave the name of the other person during the conversation at various points. It conveys the idea that you value them as a person. Try it; it works!
Exude Confidence: Do not cross the line from confidence into being cocky. I can't emphasize this enough. Cocky behavior will get you forgotten fast. Displaying confidence will make your more engaging and memorable. Hold your head up. Put your shoulders back. Shake hands with a firm handshake. Smile. Your body language should radiate the notion that you are worth meeting and getting to know.
Follow Up With Everyone You Meet: You can use your networking journal, business cards, a blank sheet of paper, a napkin, or anything else you can find to take names and numbers, and key conversation points with each individual. It is best to follow up in 24-48 hours. This prevents your losing momentum that may have been gained during the course of the conversation. Fulfill any promises you made. In short, do whatever you said you would do as you follow up.
Operate With Integrity: Networking is simply building and developing relationships. It is a small world out there. As a result, you must have an undeniable commitment to operate with integrity. Don't let your reputation fall prey to broken promises, a lack of follow up, a lack of professionalism, or a long list of other negative issues. Somehow, negative news and feedback travels pretty quickly in networking circles. Always strive to be known as someone who has an unwavering ability to do the right thing. Being honest and trustworthy will get you noticed beyond belief.
Rachelle Smith, principal and consultant at Positive Creative Infusion Consulting, LLC, is an expert marketer, savvy sales strategist, captivating copywriter, and memorable motivational speaker. Her national firm specializes in marketing & sales consulting, coaching, and training with a focus on solopreneurs, small to medium sized businesses, non-profits, and individuals, and is based in suburban Detroit, Michigan. For more information, please visit:

Display Your Company Literature in an Appealing Manner With Brochure Racks

It is said that most effective brand building begins right from the company. Unless you can position your corporate image well in the market, it becomes difficult to achieve awareness for your brand. Handing out company brochures and pamphlets is one of the best ways to attract the interest of the customers towards a particular brand, business or promotion message. However, often advertisement campaigns misfire. And this is more prominent in the process of handing out company literature to the customers while on the go. Most often, customers do not pay heed to what is being provided to them, with only a handful of them reading through what the brochure is all about. However, it is only when corporate brochures are displayed in an organized and appealing manner that it attracts the interest of the customers.
Brochure Holders - Great Design, Improved Communication!
Stylish and attractive brochure racks are one of the best ways to attract customer interest in an impressive manner. At point of sale, when company literature is displayed in the most appealing and organized manner, it tends to make a lasting impression on the customers passing by. While in most cases, customers are rarely interested in reading through brochures and corporate magazines, when displayed in an attractive manner within their easy reach, it instills an interest among them to go through what it is all about. Exceptional design and functionality makes the brochure holders a great choice for businesses and corporate offices, exhibiting company literature in an attractive manner at point of sale, trade shows, exhibitions, retail spaces, shopping malls, fairs and road shows.
Brochure racks are available in diverse attractive designs, making a lasting impression on the minds of the customers. Most of the brochure holders feature multiple, multifunctional display racks that best exhibits the company literature in an organized and impressive manner. Some of these are also available with separate racks for company posters, magazines and flyers. Company logo or graphic is also displayed to ensure double advertising impact on the minds of the customers. Depending on individual marketing needs, you can choose brochure holders with four display shelves or one with more racks to display your entire company literature in an impressive manner.
An Effective Media Tool!
What makes brochure racks an effective media for brand building and advertisement is that it takes very little display space while ensuring enhanced effectiveness of your business promotion. Some of the brochure holders can also be hang on the walls at point of sale, saving a lot of advertising space. These are just perfect for small retail spaces and corporate spaces, which are the best places to directly interact with target customers, making a lasting impression. What more!! These can be easily set up and dismantled instantly at the point of sale, ensuring improved convenience to marketers.
Brochure racks are best displayed at point of sale, exhibitions, fairs, trade shows, corporate offices, retail spaces, road shows, and shopping malls, presenting your company literature in a visually appealing manner.
I am on behalf of It is one of the best companies in manufacturing of Roller Banners and pop up banners. I often write for the same.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Design Build Contractors Are Essential

Integrating both the design and build phases
In years past, the build phase and the design phase were separated. First, the building is designed by architects. Secondly, contractors analyze the architectural design and bid on the amount that it will cost to construct the project. Thirdly, once the bid amount is agreed upon, construction takes place. When the two phases are separated, it often leads to problems. It is not uncommon for the client to become unhappy when the design conflicts with what can be built. In order to eliminate this issue, you can now uses design build contractors which integrate both the design and build phase together. This design build system, where all aspects of the build are under one company, is extremely convenient. Instead of having to hunt down many different good professionals such as architects, builders or re-modelers, you are able to get it all in one.
Cuts Costs, Time, and Errors
These design build contractors are companies that are specialists in hiring both construction and design experts. This helps cuts down on time, money, and errors by streamlining this process through bringing all aspects of the construction process under one management team. Another advantage to using a design build contractor is that you are more protected since you are no longer caught in between the designers and builders. Often times, designers or builders will blame you for the miscommunication or errors that follow from miscommunication between designers and the construction team.
Easily Manage Finances
Another advantage to using a design build contractor is that finances are much easier to manage. Because both the design and building processes are now through the same company, the information between the two coincides and is much more clear and available. This also means that the project will be within budget because there isn't a possibility of miscommunication since the same design contractor is managing all phases. Since there isn't a disconnect, the company is aware of the overall budget and will be able to quickly and accurately determine if particular changes would put the project over budget.
Quickly Determine Solutions to Problems
It is also important to be able to quickly determine a reasonable solution to problems that will undoubtedly arise in the construction process. Using one company will improve communication as well as resolve disagreements between the designers and the construction crew, since they are on the same team.
Same Company from Start to Finish
Using a design build company also speeds up the entire process. One of the reasons for this is that the construction crew can begin before the entire design is finished. Design teams also tend to reduce the time it takes for bids.
Increased Quality
One of the main reasons that client's tend to prefer using design build contractors is because of their ability to handle everything "in house". This is very appealing to clients because it means that no one will cut corners with quality of materials or labor. It is also very beneficial to have the same contractor work on the project from start to finish.
One of the best construction management companies is Bonneville Builders. This company is very good about focusing on what the client wants in both the design and build phases of the project.
If you are interested in finding out more, visit:

Indoor Air Quality In The Workplace

Whether you work at your job a few hours a day or full time, it is important to be in a healthy environment. For some people, after even a few minutes in a place that does not have good indoor air quality, they notice the change. If the heating and cooling system in your workplace is old, then it is possible that you are breathing in years of pollutants or mold that has built up. If you ever begin to notice problems with your health that only take place at work, it is important to speak to your manager.
Indoor air quality issues are not something to neglect. If you own a business then you would be wise to periodically get the air quality checked or simply have a filtration system added to your HVAC system so that it will not be as much of a concern. If the HVAC system at your work preceded you, and you have not dealt with a service business yet, then you would be wise to look for a company to service your system.
There are several areas to look at as you seek an HVAC company to help with your business' system. It is important that they have experience in dealing with your particular system. It is also important that they are trustworthy and have employees who have had background checks. They should also be affordable and not overcharge.
As you do some research into various companies that offer help with indoor air quality, it is important to ask friends or fellow business owners whom they use. This might give you a starting place. Since you would not have purchased your HVAC system from the store you choose, you may be charged for servicing. If you decide to go to one that actually provided the system then you might have some sort of warranty. A company's experience is important. Make sure to find out how often the workers have actually done what your business needs done. Having employees coming into your business necessitates background checks. Of course, the seriousness of this depends on the business, but either way they should have a background that should not make you feel uncomfortable. As you consider what your business needs, talk with your accountant and see what is available for this problem.
It is important to listen to your employees if they voice a problem that could be fixable, like the need for better indoor air filtration. You will not regret treating your employees properly. Happy employees help your business.
In Houston Indoor Air Quality can be upgraded by the service experts at Contact them today for a service appointment.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

7 Home Business Ideas For Women That Work

More and more women are choosing to work from home. This gives them the flexibility required to raise children, manage the house and take care of other such tasks. There are many home business ideas for women. Many times, a hobby becomes a base for your business. Here are some interesting business ideas that should be considered.
1: Craft
Crafts have enormous potential. People are constantly looking for innovative products as gifts for their loved ones. It may be wedding gifts, party favors and more. You can come up with some nice items and promote them among friends and family in the beginning. If the news spreads and if your products are good, your small business will have a lot of orders.
2: Child Care
If you have something for children and the necessary space in your home, you might consider establishing a small business of child care. Of course, you must obtain the necessary permits and licenses. But if your locality lacks a good facility, this business opportunity will work for you.
3: Pet care
Just as people appreciate good childcare, there are others who would like to have a good Pet Care Service. This is especially true if they are frequent travelers with pets. You can consider using your place for this work. Once the business starts doing well, you can delegate tasks to people who are interested.
4: Using your culinary skills
A good business opportunity that many women can cash on is their cooking. This can be baking snacks and other refreshments. You can take on full board and work with fixed menus for various functions. Art of cooking can be changed according to any catering needs. If people like what you do, you can make good money here.
5: Tutoring
Tutoring can be an essential activity for children who are weak in their studies. Depending on your core knowledge, you can choose to educate on a particular topic. Remember, people pay to those who can make their children pass with good marks. If you are sure that you have what it takes, it can provide a substantial income on monthly basis. This is among good home business ideas for women.
6: Interior designers
Business Ideas for Women can be creative as well. You can try your skills in design and put them to good use by advising people on how to modernize the interior of their homes. You can help people make the right purchase, depending on their requirements. Rich housewives can pay you a good amount if you can earn their trust. This turns out to be another lucrative business you can begin with.
7: eBay
eBay sellers make good money too, and when you get the right kind of products online, you can be sure that many people will choose to buy from you. The income potential here is unlimited; all you need is right mentoring. This can be among some of the best home business ideas for women.
There are great possibilities out there for ladies who want to work from home. Think of the ideas above and choose the one that suits you best. Remember, you can only gain by this knowledge by taking decisive actions.
If you are looking for an hones, ethical and legitimate opportunity to generate a full time income from home, click here.
For free training, free education, and a free income generating website, visit today.

How to Deal With Change in the Workplace

"The one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is certain or unchangeable"
- John F. Kennedy. Teams resist change. Few people in the everyday world of work want the system they are familiar with to become new and unfamiliar. Even when a change improves the function of the organization or makes a process easier, some team members will have to be dragged through the evolution. Here are some suggestions to help your team deal with change in the workplace.
Communication: One of the biggest issues about change is uncertainty. The reasons for the change should be explained in detail. You can be certain doubts exist and questions linger. An atmosphere of open dialog should be created, which allows team members to voice their concerns and ask questions. Failure to allow these worries to be expressed will slow the change process and foster dissention. The team should be addressed as a whole and then appropriate groups created for discussion. It is the listening that is important. When team members don't feel heard, they lose confidence in their leaders.
Manage the Process: Breaking the team in to smaller groups to plan and/or implement parts of the change is an excellent way to keep everyone involved. If it is possible, introduce the change step by step. Stay in touch with your teammates to learn of any difficulties, which are occurring. If open resistance appears it should be dealt with head on. First listen to determine any justification or possible real problems. If the individual creating the trouble has no concrete reason, deal with it as an attitude problem and counsel accordingly. Finally, be a role model for your teammates. Face the difficulties created by the change and pitch in to work it out. Maintain a positive approach and keep solving the problems until the change goal is reached.
Consider team building: A qualified team building company can assist teams experiencing change. A workshop that focuses on the process of change allows team members to look at what is happening at work in a more detached atmosphere. When the team building company has details of the changes and perceived problems, they can work those issues in to exercises. This type of information can also be used in debriefing the participants about the workshop. For example let's assume the organization has historically work on projects in a piece meal fashion with different groups responsible for each piece. The change is in the future these groups will be required to work together and take a more holistic approach. The team building company can structure exercises that focus on collaboration, inter-dependency, improving communication and taking a "bigger picture" approach in the workplace. The debrief can go back to the specific changes they are experiencing and tie in what they learned in the workshop.
I've heard it said, "Nobody likes change, except a baby." Following these three steps will make your team's transition smoother and faster.
Richard Highsmith,, is President of Quality Team Building. He has twenty-five years experience training and coaching. He has built and sold two successful businesses. To learn more about becoming a team leader visit our website at or call Rick toll-free at 1-888-484-8326 X101.

Selecting The Correct Transportation Company Is Crucial

To meet your aspirations of growing into new markets, you should launch a study in to the numerous aspects of transporting cargo. To make the shipping operation as hassle-free as possible, it is important to properly assess your needs to be able to identify which professional shipper best will satisfy your requirements for a price small enough so that your products are still competitively priced when they arrive. Be certain you have enquired all the correct questions and possess acceptable replies so you'll be able to properly assess the estimates before putting your signature on transport contracts to spare yourself any regrets afterwards down the road.
Before you even get in touch with truck companies for quotes, make certain you understand the language they utilized to qualify deliveries. You are going to wish to be able to correctly summarize you shipment in terms of its size and weight in addition to any particular care guidelines that you may require.
When you really feel assured that you can properly explain your shipment in professional terminology, take the time to measure up shippers on their ability to fulfill your demands. You are going to also need to find out if they are able to dependably deliver your products to the locations you need to target and if they have regular channels to these locations. If they support your target location, look for local critiques regarding their standing, specifically if they employ satellite providers for outlying areas. It is also wise to determine if the organizations you are thinking about regularly handle transport orders which are equivalent to yours or if you will be requiring them to break new ground to transport your cargo.
After you discover a few businesses that best suit your needs you can start the bidding activity and ask for estimates. Once you receive their quotation, look at the small print meticulously to find out if the bottom-line total contains concealed costs such as state and local taxes, international tariffs, particular care costs or further insurance protection. You can launch negotiations with their agent about qualifying for bulk savings and setting fixed prices to ensure your shipping costs are not affected by varying fuel rates. When you have a proper quotation in you are then in a situation to present it to other businesses and negotiate for the very best offer possible.
Choosing the best delivery business is not just about price tag but also what they're able to offer you so find out if they have any useful services that could be worth spending a slightly higher price. For example, a professional transport organization may supply a personal business consultant that will enable you to streamline your packaging for optimum efficiency or provide intermodal services and frequently the more sophisticated companies have groups of well-trained moving firm that can handle your shipment much more efficiently than untrained personnel. Also, you need to analyse their capability to help you with all the intricacies of shipping around the globe.
Selecting truck companies is an essential selection for getting your items where they need to go as well as on time. For products which need to get from one end of the nation to the other you'll be able to locate intermodal services which are efficient and backed by professionals that you can seek advice from.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Changing Your Business Name? Four Ways to Let Current Clients Know What's Coming

If your business is expanding and you have started to offer additional services, some business owners feel their current company name will not be sufficient to communicate what they do. This makes them want to change the company name so it better reflects the new services too and not just the original offerings.
I myself have done this several times in my career, bringing me to the current brand name. Shifting your branding may become necessary at some point in your business's development. The key is not to confuse your current clients with this change since you don't want to lose or alienate them.
You can completely change the name or modify it depending on the direction your company takes. Either way you go, I want to share three steps that will help you make your name change smoothly.
1. The Simple Solution
Choose a new URL and direct all traffic from this new web address to your old website. Or if they type in the old name it can redirect to the new site. This is a common practice and it's your choice. To help visitors understand what has happened, you position your new name at the top and then underneath you can write "formerly" with the old name. This way, your current clients can see both the old and new names so they don't feel like they made a mistake ending up at the wrong website.
2. Video Explanation
If you have added services or modified your offerings, a video can be useful for describing the changes. Say something like, "We used to offer this, and now we're doing this because the demand has been there. So don't be alarmed if you're looking for our old name. we're still the same people, just doing even bigger and better things." That positive spin and explanation will help to assure clients that everything is fine and even better than what they know from before.
3. Ezine Announcement
You can give everyone on your list a preview of what is to come to help people get used to the idea of your new company name in your ezine. This keeps your current clients and contacts informed about the changes your company is going through.
4. Snail Mail Announcement
In addition, you may have certain important clients that you'll want to inform in a more personal manner. Writing a letter or sending a card can help ensure that these VIPs know ahead of time about the changes and that they will not be negatively impacted by them. This not only can help to avoid confusion later, but also lets your VIPs know how much you value them by being the "first to know".
Name changes can be tricky, but if you follow these four steps, your current client base and contacts will be comforted for a smooth transition.
Your Client Attraction Assignment
Are you thinking of a name change? Be sure to make a plan for how you will implement the change with the least amount of disruption, while notifying your contacts and clients.
Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Mentor, is founder of the Client Attraction System, the proven step-by-step program that shows you exactly how to attract more clients, in record time... guaranteed. To get your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and receive her weekly marketing & success mindset articles on attracting more high-paying clients and dramatically increasing your income, visit