Anyone who has a website or blog knows or will quickly learn that a traffic generator is the most pivotal concept for having a successful site; if you are trying to make a living or supplement your income in any way.
Search Engine Optimization for Traffic Generation
Search engine optimization plays a key role in web surfers finding and landing on your page so attention should be paid to optimization and of course, you want to gear that towards the heavy hitters like Google, Bing and Yahoo. But you also want to make sure that your optimization is not only cuddling up to the search engines, but is also targeted to the audience you are looking to engage.
Discovering and defining your target audience is essential. Web browsers are finicky and won't spend absorbent amounts of time on pages that are not interesting. Therefore you have a big task at hand when developing your traffic generator. Optimizing your domain, locating your audience and then keeping them coming back time and again are the key things to accomplish when blogging or owning a website.
Using Keywords As Your Traffic Generator
Once you have a solid idea of who you are targeting then it is time to think about optimizing and here is where many would be successful bloggers and domain holders fail miserable. Doing some research beforehand will prove to be essential. Optimization rests wholly in the key phases that you incorporate within your website and its domain and it is how people find you. It also influences your ranking on search engine sites. Thus, if the key words or phrases are not properly chosen, it is likely your site may never be found and will not be an effective traffic generator for you and your products or services.
There are some amazing tools available to help in your phrasing and word choices such as Keyword Discovery and WordTracker and it is highly recommended that you utilize them before choosing optimization words for your site. Keywords will impact on your ability to develop a traffic generator. When selecting your phrases, you have to find a good balance between unique and doable. Difficult words to spell and too common words should be avoided at all costs.
If a searcher can't spell what they are looking for, they won't find your website and if you choose a word such as 'women' the search results are in the millions and you will still get lost in the Internet abyss. Play around with these tools at length and find out what people are typing into their search engines and which words get the best results; then find a way to tailor those words and make them stand out.
You also want to define your niche and this too can be tricky. Many people search by exact phrases that suit their individual needs and this could allow you to tap into unchartered grounds and rank your site high. Therefore if your site is geared towards teens, place that word in your phrasing so that those looking for 'fashion for teens' will land on your site and not someone else's that just has 'fashion' or 'teens' as optimization words.
Many bloggers and site owners shy away from this tactic because they fear that being too narrow will lessen their audience; in essence this could be true, but that is usually not the case. If you want a traffic generator it is better to have 1,000 regular followers in your niche than to have 10 followers who don't really relate to your content.
Internet 'crawlers' are abound and your site should be in a form that searchers can find it. That means that your links and texts must be HTML friendly if you want an effective traffic generator. Computers and the Internet are smart but they can't read things like Java Script. Those need to be forefront and then within your site you can post other graphics; but the main goal is to get people to the site first.
Your site has to be easy to navigate as surfers are inpatient and don't have the time to search for what they want within a site. All the current happenings should be front and center in bolded text that is easy to read. Fancy texts and embedded links are flashy but are often missed or ignored so are not great as a traffic generator. Onlookers also want interesting things that are eye catching, so be sure to include lots of graphics and add definitions or explanations / descriptions of what the graphics are to entice people to click on them. This is especially true of pay per click sites that are used to generate income.
Be flexible in developing your traffic generator key words because much like fashion, sometimes what is in today is out tomorrow. Sign up for things like Google Analytics which will generate reports and keep you abreast regarding the traffic generation to your website and who is clicking on what graphics, ads and links. If you see that particular key words aren't working, work diligently to change them, even if you love that phrasing. Collecting thousands of useless links to attach to your site can also be useless if people aren't investigating them. It is better to have a few helpful and interesting links as a traffic generator rather than 100 that no one is interested in.
Dwight Harrison is an online marketer who has developed websites that rank on page 1 of Google and page 1 of Youtube, and with free web traffic increases sometimes over 1100% within three months. Using various tool he's developed a great traffic generation system. His aim very simply will help you to do the same and build a real free traffic generator. Simply visit here for more information: