
Sunday, August 26, 2012

B2B Telemarketing Vs B2C Telemarketing

What is the difference between B2B telemarketing & B2C telemarketing?

There are two types of telemarketing services, B2B telemarketing (Business to Business) and B2C telemarketing (Business to Consumer). Here is a brief summary of the similarities and differences between the two types of telemarketing.

The commonalities
First, the responsiveness of a potential customer is proportional to the confidence he has to you or the company you represent. It is therefore very important to maintain your credibility and continually reinforced. It is also of great importance to have a customer service outstanding. Moreover, it is critical to create and maintain a relationship with a potential customer. This maintains the confidence he has in you. All this applies to both B2B and B2C.
More differences than similarities
The term B2B telemarketing is on everyone's lips. When we make B2B calls, we make more use of the rational part of our potential customer. He will think long before going ahead with our offer. It will take time to plan everything. The sale process is long term. When we conduct B2C, it's more the emotional side of our interlocutor who is arrested. It will react according to its immediate need. So the sales process in this case is short.
B2B requires greater experience and rigorous, simply because customers have not asked the same language as B2C. These are decision makers and their decisions can change many things within a company. While B2C, decisions are important for the individual, but buying a sweeper will not change completely the life of our interlocutor. That is why the B2C requires no experience.
Which of the two types of telemarketing is more profitable? It depends on your vision, short or long term. It is therefore clear that in the short term, B2C telemarketing is more profitable, since the decisions of potential customers are made quickly. By cons, long term, it is more profitable to do B2B telemarketing. Even during a temporary promotion, B2B telemarketing is through the good help to be expected.
A disadvantage of B2B is that the number of prospects is limited. There are fewer companies than individuals. It is therefore very well target the markets you want to develop.
Side longevity of customer relations, it is clear that B2B relationships will last much longer. The reason why this relationship is longer in time is that initially the cost of the product or service provided is much higher than B2C.
David, for more than 10 years in sales and marketing positions in the IT industry. And if you are looking for telemarketing support - we will be happy to hear!