Make no mistake: we all want money. The quicker, and less work, it demands from us the better. What is actually true, though, few want to find out (probably because, deep down, they know they are enjoying a dream and prefer to do that over being brought down to earth).
Is quick money possible? Those who have bought into the self-proclaimed gurus' tips, and not applied them, will tell you it might be. Anyone who has tried those push-button-solutions, and nothing else, will tell you it is not possible. Any person who has enjoyed online business success will tell you quick online money is possible. Are you confused yet? Truthfully: making money quickly is possible but it requires work. So: both those telling you it is impossible to make money quickly, and those who claim it is possible without work, are wrong.
What is, and will always be, true is that money comes from work. Why, then, do not all aspiring online entrepreneurs make boatloads of cash? Because they are spending time on doing the wrong things. There is a formula, behind making money, that has to be applied. In fact, this formula goes by the same principles that making any offline business does (although expressed in different ways). Some, of these principles, are things like knowing your market, bringing value to it and more (many of which are principles that the aspiring online entrepreneurs leave aside because they, rather than apply their common sense, follow the hype and shut off their brains in the meantime).
To make money, you cannot wait for that big break. Making a lot of money is the product of first making small amounts of it. When on a bicycle, do you ever expect to start out at 50km/h? No - and I am sure the thought of doing so, of actually thinking it to be possible, makes you laugh inside. It is just stupid, is it not? Well, if it is - how does believing in that possibility differ from believing in going from no money to riches with no work between? Money comes doing small, everyday, things. Reality really is as boring as that. Actually, the fun lies in optimizing your business so that you can focus on what you are good at, and love doing, and let somebody take care of the rest.
Contemplate, for a moment, the impact that having a team - who all do what they are good at - consistently doing the everyday things, that takes the bike from 0 to 50km/h, while you focus on how to eradicate anything, in what they are doing, that is unnecessary to keep the bike producing money (so to speak).
In the beginning, unless you have lots of money to start out with, hiring a team of outsourcers will not be a possibility, meaning you are going to have to engage in everyday tasks yourself. When doing that, remember that what you are doing is what will eventually produce that big break that is impossible without doing them.
For more info like this, go to: and, for hands-on-help, visit (I'm coached by that guy and he makes things very simple).