Without the aid of software, managing your Fire Safety & Emergency Plans on an ongoing basis would be a nightmare. Thankfully, with the help of online software, this task becomes not only less daunting, but quick, easy and almost effortless. We live in an age of technology and it only makes sense to utilize this technology to the best of our advantage, and to make our lives easier.
As a business owner or Property Manager, you must review your building's Fire Safety Plan annually, as is required by the International Fire Code. However, changes including staff turnover and upgrades to your building's life safety systems quickly out-date Plans, forcing you to update your Plans more often. This sounds like a lot of work, and it could be, but if your Plan management software program allows you to review your Plans online and make changes in real-time, it becomes quick and easy.
Does your building have tenants? Gone are the days of manually maintaining and printing emergency personnel contact lists, at least they should be long gone. With the majority of communication taking place online, you should manage your personnel lists online using a program that allows your tenants to maintain their own lists of emergency personnel. After all, it makes no sense for you to manage a list of emergency personnel when your tenants should be managing this for you. Having emergency personnel is critical to your building's ability to react and succeed during an emergency situation. Make it easy for both you and your tenants to know exactly who is on your emergency personnel team with the click of a button.
Once your emergency personnel team is built, they must be trained. Forget about trying to book a room and schedule a day and time that works for everyone, utilize online training. By moving your training online, people can train when it's convenient for them. Provided your plan management software records training sessions, you will also have a record of it. Being able to prove that you've trained your emergency personnel team not only improved the life safety of your building, it also helps to reduce your risk and liability in the event that an emergency does occur.
With the right tools, managing your building's Fire Safety Plan does not have to be a headache. In fact, it can be almost effortless and take up very little of your time if you have the right program. Look for one with features such as online training and recording, automatic reminders, emergency personnel contact lists, email templates, and the ability to upload your building floor plans and emergency procedures. With 2011 being the costliest year ever for disasters, we know that emergencies and disasters happen. It definitely pays to be prepared so make your life easier today with an online Plan management program.