When you first set up your business as a virtual assistant, it's tempting to spend hundreds of pounds (or whatever currency you deal in) on the very newest, shiniest, most up to date equipment. But before you break out the credit card, stop and think about what you'll really need. Many VAs will tell you that a lot of the equipment they bought in the first flush of enthusiasm is lying, dusty and forgotten, in a corner of their office, used once and never again (or actually never used at all). So will you really need to buy?
Essential Equipment:
A computer
Whether this is a PC, a MAC or a laptop is pretty much down to personal preference. A PC isn't portable like a laptop but, as a consequence, isn't as likely to be damaged or stolen.
Broadband access
You could use dial up at a pinch, but it's not really going to be sustainable as your business grows and speed of response becomes important.
Up to date software
You'll need programs that will do word-processing, spreadsheets, slideshows, email and internet browsing as a minimum.
Online and offline computer back-up
Shop around for the best products.
You will need a business (land) line and a mobile/cell telephone line. I wouldn't recommend using just a mobile/cell for your contact number - sometimes people are hesitant to call them as they are more expensive, and it also makes you look a bit of a 'fly by night' operation.
Business cards
To hand out to all and sundry! And also take with you when you're networking and meeting clients.
Office space
You'll also need some space to actually do some work! If you have a big enough house, you may be lucky enough to have your own home office. Others in smaller dwellings will have to make do with the kitchen or dining table, or perhaps carve out a little desk somewhere else (under the stairs, perhaps?). There are 'offices in a cupboard' that you can buy, with a space for a computer terminal, a fold away desk and filing space. If you have one of these, don't keep it in your bedroom, otherwise you'll be worrying about work every time you're trying to sleep.
Your own website and business domain name
You can teach yourself HTML or learn how to use WordPress, but it would be quicker and easier to hire a website designer - have a look at sites you like and see if there's a designer's name at the bottom of the page.
I've found that that is pretty much all the equipment you will need to start up your VA business - of course, as your business grows, you'll want to add extra equipment, more software and so forth. But by then, you should have a bit more money to pay for anything else!
Do you want to be a Virtual Assistant? Want to know more about the skills you'll need and how to set up your business? The 'How to be a Virtual Assistant' eBook will tell you everything you need to know, from the highs to the lows and everything in between.
Available on Amazon Kindle http://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Be-Virtual-Assistant-ebook/dp/B0077DWHJA/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1329151132&sr=8-1-fkmr0 or from the website at http://www.officealchemy.co.uk
Celina Lucas is the author of the Amazon Kindle books 'Article Marketing for Beginners', 'How to Start a Business When You've Got No Time - Or Money' and 'How to Be a Virtual Assistant'.