Network marketing is probably the fastest path out of poverty. Its easy and most do not incur any overhead at all. All you need to do to get started is purchase a set of products and thats it. Even better, there are companies that dont require any form of quota at all.
But many join and only a few succeed. The question that we all ask is “Why?” Why is it that only a few succeed in network marketing?
I encountered a lot of successful people in my years of experience. I was able to ask most of them for advise and they were all willing to help me out. The tips they revealed are priceless I wish I knew them when I first started.
Here they are:
1. Dont trust the hype – most people join because of the hype. Trust me, hype wont help you at all. It will take you to dreamland and once there, its hard to come back to reality.
2. Set Goals – write down your goals. Set short term and long term goals. Define what you want to achieve and plan on the things that needs to be done to achieve your goals.
3. Pay now, play later – work hard. Network marketing is easy but youll have to work hard in the beginning. Spend less time on leisure and spend more time on achieving your goals.
4. Check your progress – how far have youve gone? Are you meeting your target dates and expectations? If not, then analyze why and adjust. Failing to check your progress will get you nowhere.
5. Treat it as your business – this I think is the most important. You will only be successful if you treat network marketing as a real business. Your business.
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