Your head is swimming with really great knowledge because you are an expert. We all are. We all have at least one expertise. And here is how you can make money globally sharing your passion. You package your knowledge in an electronic format like an ebook or a PDF report. Add a coaching program. Promote your information online using articles. Make lots of money doing it. Start over again. That is all there is to it. Done suffering trying to find customers locally? Time to get off the hamster wheel. Here are some really great tips to making money online sharing your knowledge online:
1. Go online to forums and websites where people are complaining. This might mean you will need to open up an account on that website. Concentrate on posts containing situations where people feel like they are unfairly suffering. The situations should be ones that apply to your niche market. The kinds of complaints Im asking you to see are the ones where a situation or an attitude can be changed to improve the situation. The complaints youll want to find are ones where a different product, your product, makes things better. See those complaint situations within your field of expertise that you can fix. Lots of people will be complaining about the same thing. Provide an efficient and easy solution to the situation and thats how youll make more income.
Make your solution easy to use. With practice, your solution will improve the users quality of life. Thats the kind of solution your market seeks. When your common sense solution really changes things a lot, thats when people will look at you like the Einstein of your niche. Thats a profitable market position for you. And, one with lots of money.
2. Once youve figured out the complaint situations, write articles containing general ideas and tips about how to improve those situations. You are sharing your expertise and building an important relationship doing it. There will be a percentage of people complaining that will feel so desperate to improve their situation that they will contact you. They will also understand when you say it will cost a premium for you to help them solve their problem. Typically one-on-one coaching is necessary for your students to understand exactly how to completely solve their problem.
3. Lastly, work smart instead of hard. Hire a coach. The number one way for a business to succeed is to have someone helping you. A coach has already made the mistakes. No need for you to make them. Just go right to the solution that works. Focus on that one method and you will see successful results.
By the way, do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase your income online?
If so, I suggest you download this free ebook: “How to Take Your Offline Business Online Fast: Article Writing Fast and Easy”. To download this free ebook, click here: