Today more than ever people are looking for ways to make money outside of their regular 9-5 job. They look for network marketing, MLM, affiliate marketing businesses. Most of them get excited about the opportunities, dreams, the possibilities that it will bring for them. Not too soon you see about 97% of these opportunity seekers fail & fall out. WHY? They were asked to sell the heck out of product without teaching or training the right way. Are you one of them, tired, ready to give up and may be trying something different?
Before you do any of that, read this crucial yet simple and basic long forgotten information that holds the secret to your success.
Are you the key to Your Success of your Business?
Ask yourself this very important yet crucial question, was it the product or the company because of which you were not successful? If you answered yes, I would have to completely disagree with you. You are the one seeking to start a business. So it is totally up to you how you want to make your business a success. It is no different than starting your brick and mortar business and working really hard to get it of the grounds and then working consistently to keep it going. However it is much easier to maintain and grow once it is running itself. The key difference between having a brick and mortar business and being involved in a Network Marketing Business is that with Network Marketing business when built right will have leaders running the business for you. The residual income will keep coming even when you are not directly working your business. I came to know of a person who had quit working on his business 22 years ago and he is still receiving $10,000.00 a month, not bad huh?
Attraction Marketing based consumer sales
What is the right way to market a product, a business? Do you remember the days when almost every other business would give away samples to try? Well we need to go back to basics and keep the marketing of the business simple as well. You may ask how you can give away products, samples when either you may not have enough money or your business does not have samples to give. The answer in todays world is value. When you add value to humans life they will become attracted to you. Think of a Leader you know, ask why do you value him and follow him and may buy certain products from them? Think of Tony Robbins? Do you think he adds value to human lives?
So how can you add value? Its called Attraction Marketing. You attract your customers to you instead of going after them. Think of Apple now. The principal of attraction marketing is simple “you provide enough value to your prospects that they feel compelled to be attracted to you and do business with you”. Today people transact with people based on relationships more than ever, just like the old days. However today, the relationships are being created online and global. Social Media is becoming the platform for connecting with people, clients, and customers alike. Businesses have to think global from the beginning.
Giving is the key to your success
Attraction Marketing says that by adding value to others and you will be awarded in return. In words of Zig Ziglar, “help enough people get what they want and youll automatically get what you want.” One of the questions, I get asked often is what if the people I gave my free samples, products etc. to never come back. The answer to that is building your list. The key to your success in todays world is having a list of leads, prospect, clients, and customers all the time and being able to market to them on a consistent basis. To do this you build a lead capture page.
Consistency, Continued Education & Strong foundation is the key to success
To add value you can write content, create videos, write blogs, create articles etc on any topic that you would like to share information on, just like this one. The more content you write the better your audience will be and bigger the list of people following you will be. One of the best ways to get started is to join an education platform that builds your rock solid foundation and at the same time has a team of leaders that work and teach the same principals and actions they took to become successful leaders. This only happens when you have a mindset of abundance. Remember there is no competition even though we may think this way, sometimes and this is because of the scarcity and fearful tactics that the big organizations used in the past to get the customers. No more of this accepted.
So before you think of selling your product or pushing your business in face of others, think how you can attract them to your business instead. Hope this information was able to build a stepping stone to the success of your business. One last thing that I would like to share with you is just in the famous Tortoise and Rabbit story, Tortoise wins at the end. Such is the case with any business. You need action, consistency and persistence to make yourself a success. People now do business with YOU not with your products or company. So if you are Serious, Take Action and get yourself the educational platform that will help you build your with a solid foundation NOW!
For more online marketing and other social networking tool tips check out Ashwini Jindals –
Ashwini Jindal is a social media enthusiast with a passion for blogging. He teaches people how to build blogs, blog like a pro, and build large target audiences for their targeted market.