
Monday, November 21, 2011

The Excuses You Make Are The Excuses You Take

A few nights ago I was watching a webinar being led by David Wood. ? During the webinar, David brought out a great point that I would like to explore today….the excuses that you make for yourself are the same excuses you will accept from others. ? In essence he was reiterating the old adage that people mirror what they are receiving from you. ?Often times the real culprit hindering our network marketing business is the attitudes we have accepted as a part off our lives. ?Whether we realize it or not we are constantly broadcasting mindsets and attitudes that are picked up and reflected in the lives of those around us.
As we break this down, I hope you will begin to see some of your own habits and actions that are actually harming your network marketing business. ? Let me give you an example that I see many times in my interactions with others. ?A person joins a business, but they join at the lowest possible level on the grounds that they “cant afford” the top level. ?When you talk to them about their recruiting efforts, it is full of stories of prospects who did not join, because they “cant afford” it.
Another variation on this example is the distributor who joins a network marketing business, but never purchases product or does not participate in the autoship, because they “cant afford” it. ? ?When you examine the downlines of these individuals they are typically filled with other distributors who dont purchase product and dont participate in the company autoship, because they also “cant afford” it. ? In both of these examples the poverty mentality has found a fertile breeding ground and this line of counterproductive thinking reproduces itself over and over again.
Many distributors struggle in the areas of recruiting and reproduction in their network marketing business. ?When you begin to ask about their efforts in these areas, you hear the excuse “I dont have the time” to undertake the activities that will grow their business. ? They dont make time for prospecting, training or recruiting. ? When this distributor brings someone into their business, the results are typically the same…no time to prospect, train or recruit and therefore no growth in their business either.
One of the common rules of leadership is that you typically attract what you are. ? This means that you will typically attract people like you into your network marketing business. ? The excuses that you have allowed to stifle your business will also be the same excuses they allow to stifle theirs.
The key to overcoming this type of business killing mindset is quite simple. ?You must adopt a zero tolerance policy when it comes to excuses. ? This policy starts with you. ? You can no longer make excuses for yourself or your lack of productivity. ?Learn to take responsibility for the condition of your network marketing business….you are the only one who can control those outcomes. ? When you make this stand with yourself you will make this stand with others. ? If lack of money is not an acceptable excuse for you, then you will not allow it to be an acceptable excuse from others. ? If lack of time is not an acceptable excuse for you, then you will not ?accept that excuse from others either.
If you take nothing else away from this article, remember this: ?”What you broadcast to others is what you will receive back from them in return.”
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